We had a great time at Stirling University at the Baptist Union of Scotland Sports Day. We rented a small van and took two teams up to compete in 5-a-side football in the 14 and under league.

Both teams played valiantly! Our youngest guys did so well running around in a forest of 14-year olds! Though it was very humbling and frustrating for them. One very cool team actually let us field 6 players because they had already qualified.
Our older boys threatened to take the cup! Everyone was impressed with these young men. Competing mostly against practiced teams with coordinated uniforms, our boys nearly prevailed for a love of the game and cooperation with each other and in modest street clothes . We also netted one or two cautions about street language :/

Best of all, these young men were able to take advice and honor the referees. They were also exposed to a culture of God-honoring life that stopped to pray before and after each game, and sought to lift up character over achievement; heart over works.
Unfortunately, the kids also experienced the hypocrisy of naming the name of Christ and playing in a deceitful and callous manner, without regard for Christian love, in the name of competition. But these are lessons in sincerely following Christ in a manner that make a difference in life.
Tara Watt, Dave Schloshbach and Jim Anderson helped Pastor Dave to make it a memorable day for thse lads. We all had a real good time!