1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Worthy

In chapter 11 of his letter to Corinth, the Apostle Paul writes to the church about various aspects of worship.  Last week The Holy Spirit addressed the personal freedoms and corporate responsibilities of individual worshipers, through the pen of Paul.

This week we look at the 'Lord's Table' or 'communion'.

Paul speaks about unity and division in the church. There is simple instruction on sharing and courtesy. Also we address how one can become worthy to enter into fellowship with God. (Hint: we cant do it, so God did it for us) The cross of Christ removes the barrier between us, and the God who is perfect and loving and will not compromise.

He is going to deal fairly with every injustice.  We know that our selfish or fearful actions won't stand before an honest judge who is holy and just.  We have all sinned and if we got only what we deserved, it wouldn't be much.  But God wants more for the humanity He created.  And He made the way simple and easy, by doing the hard work Himself; through the Life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Give a listen:
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
