Exodus 3 That Burning Bush
God sees, and hears, and knows what people are going through,
He has come to deliver us, and bring us to Himself, through relationship, through Jesus Christ.
The presence of God makes things holy.
We have fellowship with God when we respond to the fact of forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name.
Isa and Jimmy Bryden
on the occasion of their 75th Wedding Anniversary
Jimmy's 100th Birthday is 17 May!
Pray for Jimmy in Hospital recovering from an infection.
Moses stopped to notice something unique
and it changed his life.
When he stopped to look at THAT burning bush,
he encountered the living God.
Moses responded to God in faith: knowledge, belief and trust.
hear the story told in the bible here:
Part 1 Intro and Prayer for Jimmy Bryden
Part 2 Moses in the wilderness at a place called 'Waste'
Part 3 The Angel of the Lord: God makes the difference
Part 4 Where are you with God;
on the spectrum between Waste and Worship?
Part 5 Not because we are good, but because God is good!
He has come to deliver us, and bring us to Himself, through relationship, through Jesus Christ.
The presence of God makes things holy.
We have fellowship with God when we respond to the fact of forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name.
Isa and Jimmy Bryden
on the occasion of their 75th Wedding Anniversary
Jimmy's 100th Birthday is 17 May!
Pray for Jimmy in Hospital recovering from an infection.
Moses stopped to notice something unique
and it changed his life.
When he stopped to look at THAT burning bush,
he encountered the living God.
Moses responded to God in faith: knowledge, belief and trust.
hear the story told in the bible here:
Part 1 Intro and Prayer for Jimmy Bryden
Part 2 Moses in the wilderness at a place called 'Waste'
Part 3 The Angel of the Lord: God makes the difference
Part 4 Where are you with God;
on the spectrum between Waste and Worship?
Part 5 Not because we are good, but because God is good!