Announcements 15 August, 2021
We are now singing praise openly with live music and voice;
and practicing 1 Meter Social distancing; and we continue to wear masks while indoors.
The Church will meet together on 24 August, at 7:30pm, on Zoom.
The Deacons will be meeting this Tuesday, 17 August, at 7:30pm, on Zoom
(if you have any items you would like to see discussed at either meeting,
please contact Jim Dornan our secretary or any deacon, or our pastor )
There is an opportunity to train on operating the sound board
please contact Tim Forsythe to find out about how it works
We are considering whether to start cleaning team for the church or hire a cleaner
If this is a way you would like to contribute to the life of the church,
please contact a deacon or our pastor.
If you are interested in being part of a Gardening team please contact a deacon or your pastor.
This is just a one or two hour commitment monthly;
to weed the courtyard and trim the one single bush out front.
Please let us know if you are interested in being a part of our greeting team for the church.
Sandra Rees is the contact person.
Please be praying about the need to rebuild our Children's Church Team from among families and other able and willing members.
- Easy to follow curricula and training are provided for all participants.
- If the Lord prompts you to serve in this way, please contact Sandra.
We need to schedule another famous, incredibly short, Family Meeting,
to plan another Summer Get together/Outreach. In August on a Sunday
We have a slim team of people hosting the Drop-in Café,
The Café on Thursdays from 2-5,
is run by lovely people from the Fourth Valley Recovery Community FVRC .
Our job is to host, by opening-up the church,
and drinking coffee/tea with our neighbours.
There is plenty of room for anyone who can spare an hour (or three)
Things will change, depending on the outcome of the end of restrictions
The deacons have agreed together to watch for the changes, digest the current guidance, and recommend changes at the next church meeting on 24 August.
Watch this space for news about
- Hospitality
- The Lord's Table
- various forms of fellowship
- Whether it will be safe to have in-person bible studies, prayer meetings, a Church Picnic, Men's breakfasts, Women's Fellowship, Craft Club?
Covid Update:
We are now singing praise openly with live music and voice;
and practicing 1 Meter Social distancing; and we continue to wear masks while indoors.
This is inconvenient, but we considered that it is best to walk back restrictions in full agreement as a church about risk and safety, rather than to just follow lock-step with the Scottish government's guidance.
This will continue to be our practice until we gather to discuss this matter as a congregation under the Lord's guidance on 24 August.