Church Meeting Agenda for 26 July after Morning Worship (approx 12:15pm)

Church meeting Agenda Outline
Sunday 26 July after service (approximately 12:15)
1.      Opening-up again after lockdown:
a)      Risks to health as we gather together
b)     Measures to reduce risk and keep people safe: (masks, hand gel, distance, etc…)
c)      Options for how to, and who can, implement these measures
2.      Ministry (in homes? in church? Outdoors? Online? Hybrid Mix?)
a)      bible studies
b)     prayer   
c)      Praise
d)     fellowship
3.      Fabric
a)      Painting
b)     Flooring

Decision items for consideration

The Deacons recommend to the gathered church that we:
  1. Consider approving the placement of carpet in the sanctuary
    (in light of a recent contribution of funds to cover this cost)
  2. Consider painting the main sanctuary while the church is not meeting regularly
    (which is a change from a previous decision to paint the entry first and then assess the colour scheme) 
  1. Consider the cost of hiring a decorator to treat and paint the entry(due to there being lots of wood, with varnish, and angles; and high ceilings)
  1. Appoint a small group from among the membership, to pray and seek the Lord,
    for the right colour/shade of paints and carpet in the sanctuary,
    (in keeping with any directions from the church meeting).
  1. Agree not to rush to open for public worship immediately,
    But to wait until acceptable safety measures are in place, and all agreed repairs and improvements are complete.
  2. That the gathered church direct the Deacons to use the time needed to complete any agreed repairs,
    to research, outline and implement policies and procedures
    that need to be in place before we can safely open for public worship,
    (in keeping with the advice of the Scottish Government and the best practices of other Christian churches).
    So that any policies and procedures are ready to be implemented, by the time any approved repairs are complete. 

Sunday Sermon
               Saturday     Playlist by 6pm on YouTube at 

Sunday Service
Sunday        10:30am Prayer
                     11am Zoom 

Momentum (Virtual) Youth Camp
               Sunday    7pm Launch on YouTube
Monday – 11am on YouTube followed by zoom
                                    2pm on YouTube followed by zoom
Tuesday – 11am on YouTube followed by zoom
                                    2pm on YouTube followed by zoom
                                    6pm Camp Dinner & Games on Zoom
                     7pm Final Session on YouTube followed by zoom
Prayer meetings
Tuesday through
10am each day on Zoom Friday
Sun        10:30am (leading up to the service)
(any others by arrangement)
Bible Study        
Tuesday 10:30am-12noon Weekly
Tuesday Evening bible study (to be proposed) 7:30-8:30
Men’s meeting
Thursday night August 6th (first Thursday of each month) 7:30pm
