Keeping Connected

In the midst of this global pandemic,
we have adjusted our worship modes to continue to connect

in any way that is safe and effective.

Primarily, we have opted for meeting in-person,

(as and when we are able, in the context of the current

health and safety guidance).


For those who are unable to do so, we have developed

the option for connecting on Zoom.


Following-on from there, we employ YouTubeFacebook,

Twitter and Instagram for various means of outreach

and communication.

Our ongoing ministry schedule is as follows:         

Sunday Morning Service      

11am In-person [as able] on Brook Street at FK125JQ

(See current Scottish government guidance for Alva)

11am on Zoom at     

It is a regular part of our worship

to hear expository preaching from The Word of God

('catch-up' recordings are available on YouTube)     

There is a short Daily Reading of the Bible

on FaceBookLive, scheduled through an 'event'

at 12:30pm each weekday

on the Alva Baptist Church Facebook Page

(previous readings can be viewed on our YouTube channel

from the 'Daily Bible Bites' Playlist at Alva Baptist Scotland)     


Tuesday Morning Bible Study

10:30-12noon on Zoom at:

(currently working through the First Letter of John)


Wednesday Morning Prayer

10:00-11am on zoom at:

(You can share prayer requests to communicate needs,

offer praise, or share any good news here)


Thursday Morning Clackmannanshire United in Prayer 

10:00-11am on zoom at:

A wider group of praying people from all around the Hillfoots area

(You can share prayer requests to communicate needs,

offer praise, or share any good news here)

Thursday Evening Bible Study

7:30pm on zoom at

(currently working through the book of The Revelation)


You can call the minister directly at 07708055427, 

or using this email link, or through a message 

using the Alva Baptist Church fb page

with any questions or prayer requests

or to arrange for a one-to-one meeting

during exercise outside in public, on zoom, or in a coffeeshop somewhere.

(as local restrictions allow)

