Announcements for 28 February, 2021


·        on Tuesday, 2 March Church Meeting

at 7:30pm On Zoom

For communion and prayer; and discussion about your opportunities to participate in the ministry through ABC


Matt. 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." 


·        on Wednesday, 3 March, Family Ministry Discussion

at 8pm On Zoom

(after bedtime so parents can make it to this 1 hour meeting)

We will meet to discuss how the church will facilitate bringing children to Jesus and his kingdom.  Please pass news of this to families whom you recognise are not hear today to hear this announcement.  We ask families to confirm whether you will be able to make it on this evening.


We have agreed as a church to a vision that includes gathering  for bible teaching, fellowship, to share meals (including communion),
and to share all the blessings and challenges of life as we gather to pray. 

Some of this has been limited by the current health crisis

but it remains a priority, as restrictions allow.

You can call the minister directly at 07708055427, 
email to

or through a message using the Alva Baptist Church fb page

with any questions or prayer requests

or to arrange for a one-to-one meeting during exercise outside in public, on Zoom, or in a coffeeshop somewhere
(depending on what local restrictions allow).


Regular events happening at the church include:


Bible Study


1 Timothy 4:13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.


·        Monday-Friday Daily Bible Bite
On Facebook live, at 12:30pm daily,
Working through the bible in about a year in minutes a day
Replays are found on the Alva Baptist fb page and YouTube channe

·        Tuesday Morning Bible Study @ 10:30

(currently working through the First Letter of John)


·        Thursday Evenings The Revelation Bible Study from 7:30-8:30pm
one short hour reading and discussing the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ;

The spiritual reality the God shows His church; things that must come to pass.




1 Timothy 2:8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray,lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling

·        Wednesday Morning Prayer meeting at 10am-11am

It is an open forum to pray
about anything we face that affects our local community.

·        Thursday Morning Alva Baptist hosts a prayer meeting called

Clackmannanshire United in Prayer from 10am-11ish
A wider group of praying people from churches along the Hillfoots

If you don’t know how to pray in public,
come and pray together with Christians from other churches.


·        Sunday Mornings Prayer Meeting at 10:30-10:50am

Please join us to pray for this service, to prepare our hearts for worship,
to pray for the people who need to make it to the service to hear from God;

To seek God's face, for wisdom, knowledge and discernment about
how the church will see His will, to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.



Links to all of these are found on this website:

And on the fb page @ Alva Baptist Church

And on the YouTube channel @  Alva Baptist Scotland


Draft Minutes to the church meeting have been circulated.
If you have not received a copy, please contact the

We are all agreed that we should be praying about how the church may proceed to minister, in the context of pandemic and lockdown.


Our pastor encourages you to provide feedback to him

as you seek the Lord about His will
for the church, and the wider community we are called reach for Jesus.


The next issue of our Prayer Newsletter is coming due.
Has everyone received a copy in February? 
Please contact us if you have not???
This can inform your prayers when you come together to pray. 


for March, If you have any stories about answered prayer 
or any ongoing prayer that you would like to share with friends in the church, please contact either Sandra Rees or Zoe Fraser;

or indicate your wishes when you speak with our pastor,

who will in-turn alert Sandra and Zoe.


You contribution of a story, or a testimony, or a devotional thought, will be welcome too!


We plan to allow some time for open prayer
for any expressions of thanksgiving, or words of knowledge or wisdom or prophecy, or any specific prayer requests.

which time will be followed by a time of intercession

led by _Elaine Whyte__



































